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CapCenter Community Assistance Grant

CapCenter offers up to a $4,500 incentive for purchasing or refinancing a property in specific areas, free of income qualification! 1
1 Grant money is initially presented as a lower interest rate but may be redeemed as cash in certain scenarios.
A family relaxing in the living room of their new home.

How do I get started?

Follow these three simple steps to apply for the Community Assistance Grant and save more with CapCenter.
Check our Community Assistance Grant Map to understand what geographies are eligible for incentives.
Submit an application on our website. It takes about 10 minutes and is completely confidential.
A CapCenter loan consultant will advise you on Community Assistance Grant opportunities once you express an intent to proceed with CapCenter for your home purchase or refinance.

Community Assistance Grant Map

Enter a property address to check eligibility.
This address does not qualify.
This address is located within an eligible census tract.
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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How can I use Community Assistance Grant money?

An icon for a meny caret.
Community Assistance Grants cannot be used to subsidize the down payment on a property. Instead, CapCenter will apply the Grant towards an interest rate discount or redeem as cash towards your cash-to-close.

Do I qualify for Community Assistance Grant?

An icon for a meny caret.
The primary requirement is that you must be purchasing or refinancing a primary residence property within the designated census tracts; however other limitations apply. Check our Product Offer Details to learn more.

How much grant money can I receive on my loan?

An icon for a meny caret.
Qualifying applicants will receive the lesser of $4,500 or 2.00% of the loan amount. Examples are provided below.

Example 1 - You are purchasing a qualifying property, and use CapCenter for a home loan of $200,000.
You are eligible to receive up to $4,000.00 in grants. CapCenter will use that $4,000 to discount your interest rate, saving you money every month!

Example 2 - You are purchasing a qualifying property, and use CapCenter for a home loan of $300,000.
You are eligible to receive up to $4,500.00 in grants. CapCenter will use that $4,500 to discount your interest rate, saving you money every month!

How do I apply for the Community Assistance Grant?

An icon for a meny caret.
Just apply for a pre-approval. Our team will automatically check your eligibility for the program and discuss loan options with you. You can start the process here.